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Introducing New Fish to Other Fish

Introducing new fish to other fish

Introducing new fish to other fish is a delicate practice and should be taken seriously.

Know your fish

Before you even purchase a new fish to add to your tank, you need to know if the fish you’re about to purchase will get along with the other fish in your tank. Fighting fish, such as betas, do not do well with other fish. Introducing a new fish to other fish will not go well if you toss a beta into a tank with other freshwater fish. The beta will viciously attack the other fish and is better left alone. So, before you get excited about introducing new fish to other fish, ask your pet store clerk if the fish you’re about to purchase will get along with the other fish in your tank.

Introducing the fish

Before introducing new fish to other fish, check out your tank environment. It’s easier for a new fish to get along with veteran fish if you have a big tank. The fish have more room to spread out. This makes it less stressful for the new fish, who probably wants a little room to himself. Putting too many fish in a tank is asking for trouble.

Next, make sure your tank has plenty of hiding places. Introducing new fish to other fish is stressful and your new fish is going to want some hiding places. These hiding places can be rocks, decorations or plants. Just make sure you have plenty of them. You can also rearrange these hiding places before you put your new fish in. The movement will distract the other fish so it’s easier to slip the new fish in.

Before introducing new fish to other fish, feed the fish that are already in the tank. Food is a great distracter. Full fish are also less aggressive than hungry fish and will be less likely to pick on the new arrival if they have full tummies.

If you’re introducing new fish to other fish that are the same breed, you might want to introduce them together. If the fish has a partner, it’s harder for the other fish to gang up on him. It’s kind of a strength in numbers theory.

Pay attention

When introducing new fish to other fish, keep an eye on your tank. Watch how the other fish react to the new fish and keep a close eye on the tank. Paying close attention to the tank for a few hours will allow you to put a stop to any unpleasant situations. Introducing new fish to other fish can be fun to watch because fish have their own personalities and can be very playful.
