Read About Choosing Farm Stock Tanks-Parts

Your animals need a daily supply of fresh, clean water to keep them healthy and aid in the proper digestion of their food.

Things to Consider:

  • Freezing – In colder conditions, stock tanks can freeze, making water inaccessible to your animals. There are several deicing products available for you to insert in your tanks and keep water thawed all winter long.

  • Cleaning – Large water tanks that have been exposed to warm weather conditions will often form algae and other films in the tank. A large brush can help you in cleaning your tank. Keeping water fresh, and if possible, out of the direct sun, will help maintain a clean tank longer.

  • Repair–If you find that your stock tank has become cracked and is leaking, there are repair kits available for patching the holes. Oftentimes, this can be much cheaper than replacing an entire stock tank.