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Pet Shows

For some animal owners, Pet Shows are the height of exciting competition and socialization. Here’s everything you need to know about the subject.

Pet Shows: How to Get Started

If you’re interested in entering the world of pet shows, you should become familiar with the inner workings of the events. Here are a few ways to become involved:

Join a local pet club. If you have a dog, for instance, join a kennel club in your area and meet people who are regulars on the show circuit. You can learn from their experiences, and gain valuable advice and information on all the particulars. Many clubs even offer classes for owners to begin their animals on the road to championship shows.

Volunteer at local Pet Shows. The best way to see behind the scenes is to work behind the scenes, and offering your services as a volunteer at a local show will teach you a lot about how it all works. You will also meet area judges and experts, as well as other people who are interested in showing their animals.

Do your research. Most show animals are purebred, and conform to certain standards set by the breed organizations across the country. You won’t get very far on the dog show circuit if you have a half-breed mutt, no matter how cute he is. Make sure you know the requirements and eligibility standards before you jump in with both feet.

Keep your pet in mind. Even if you have the perfect purebred specimen, consider the animal’s temperament and personality. Some animals don’t enjoy the limelight and all the work required to become a champion, while others live for it. If you sense that your animal isn’t enjoying the process, think again about continuing on.
