Shop for Reptile Conditioners
Calcium and vitamin d3 supplement.for all retiles and amphibians maintained indoors.low dietary clacium can lead to tremors soft flexible bones and/orpremature death or weakness.vitamin d3 aids in theabsorption of dietary calcium in the intestine.
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Weigh animal or see the guide for the body weight chart of common reptiles.herbivore/carnivore/omnivore:add 1 spoonful(enclosed)for every 100g(0.22 lb)of body weight directly to food.juveniles and pregnant females:use once a day.adults use 3-4x daily
50 gram
Calcium & vitamin d3 supplemtn:purified calcium carbonate powder-phosphorous free vitamin d3 added to aid in calcium absorption-includes measuring spon-50g bottle.
Carnivore calcium spray is for spraying directly on food. this phosphorous-free product provides the correct calcium and vitamin d3 ratios to encourage maximal growth and development in omnivorous and carnivorous reptiles and amphibians.
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Spray directly onto food(e.g. meal worms pinkies crickets wax worms) allow spray to dry for 15 seconds before placing food in terrarium. shake well and keep out of reach of children. do not spray o animals.
8 ounces
Use of this product in conjunction with esu carnivore vitamin spray will provide a full spectrum of essentail nutrients.
Terrarium water conditioner. removes chlorine andchloramine. neutralizes heavy metals. detoxifies. stimulates slime coat development in amphibians and fish. shedding aid.
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Add to tap water before giving to amphibian and orfish.
Water conditioner. contains plant extracts to stimulate natural slime coat development in amphibians and fish. essential oils in these extracts promote shedding in reptiles and maintain scales and skin tissue.
Terrarium water conditioner. removes chlorine andchloramine. neutralizes heavy metals. detoxifies. stimulates slime coat development in amphibians and fish. shedding aid.
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Add to tap water before giving to reptiles.
Water conditioner. contains plant extracts to stimulate natural slime coat development in amphibians and fish. essential oils in these extracts promote shedding in reptiles and maintainscales and skin tissue.
Calcimize a liquid calcium supplement removes chlorine & chloramine. it neutralizes heavy metals replenishes calcium levels and prevents hypo- calcaemia. just add to drinking water.
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Add to tap water before giving to reptile.
Water conditioners and high levels of calcium.
Calcimize a liquid calcium supplement removes chlorine & chloramine. it neutralizes heavy metals replenishes calcium levels and prevents hypo- calcaemia. just add to drinking water.
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Add to tap water before giving to reptile.
Water conditioner and high levels of calcium.
Restores and maintains electrolyte levels.preventsor reverses metabolic bone disease. helps in re-hydrating new animals. stimulates appetite activity and normal behavior. strengthens the immune system.
Product Details
Add to tap water before giving to reptile.
Water conditioner. 100 ml.-electrolyte and vitamin d3 supplement.
Restores and maintains electrolytes levels. prevents or reverses metabolic bone disease.helps in re-hydrating new animals. stimulates appetite activity and normal behavio r. strengthens the immune system.
Product Details
Treat tap water before giving to reptile.
Water conditioner. 250 ml. -electrolyte and vitamin d3 supplement.
Restores and maintains electolyte levels. speeds up recovery from stress situations. helps in hydrating new animals. stimulates appetite activity and normal behaviour. stregthens the immune system.
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Treat tap water before giving to reptile.
Water conditioners.
Restores and maintains electolyte levels. speeds up recovery from stress situations. help in hydrating new animals. stimulates appetite activity and normal behaviour. stregthens the immune system.
Product Details
Treat tap water before giving to reptile.
Water conditioner. 100 ml. electrolyte supplement.