Shop for Wound Treatments
Repta-Aid Critical Care Formula from Fluker's®
Formulated to provide energy and fluid support for malnourished, dehydrated reptiles. Complete kit includes feeding syringe. -
Repti Wound Healing Aid - 1 Oz
Use as a topical antiseptic to help heal cuts burns and abrasions on reptiles. can also be used to help heal topical infections.
Product Details
Apply several drops of aid to a cotton swab or to a cotton ball. gently rub on affected area. use twice daily until you notice an imporovement. if there is no improvement after one week consult a reptile vet.
Jojoba oil 8-quinolinol ti (tea) tree oil -
General medication for aquatic turtles, amphibians and other reptiles
Zoo Med Repti Wound-Healing Aid
Use as a topical antiseptic to help heal cuts, burns and abrasions on reptiles.