Read About Bird Netting

ImageBird netting is a humane way to keep pesky birds off of your roof and out of your house. Here’s everything you need to know about bird netting.

Why would I need bird netting?

Bird netting is an effective way to keep birds from roosting in your drains, gutters and other small open areas in and around your roof. When birds start to roost in these areas, they can cause problems. Some of the problems are annoying, like having to constantly spray bird droppings off your patio, but others can cause more serious problems. For example, when a bird builds a nest in your drain, it can cause your drain to stop up. This can cause flooding and the weight of the build up debris and water can cause your drain to snap or bend.

One kind of bird that people seem to have serious issues with is the pigeon. Pigeons are known for just hanging out on roof tops and ledges and are fairly hard to move because they’re stubborn. Even if you don’t have pigeons, you can use bird netting. Bird netting will deter all kinds of birds from building a nest on your roof.

What kind of bird netting is out there?


The way bird netting works is that it’s stretched over problem areas on your roof. Bird netting comes in different materials and varieties that will block out different birds. However, generally speaking bird netting is stretched across the problem area and secured at each side.

Bird netting can be made of polyethylene, wire mesh and many other materials. If you decide to get bird netting, make sure that it has flame retardant on it and is UV and rot resistant. One of the advantages to having bird netting is that you don’t need to replace it every year. However, if you don’t take these precautions, you could lose that advantage when you put your bird netting up.

One downside to bird netting is that sometimes it is visible. Some homeowners don’t like that bird netting can be seen, so they may opt for another anti-bird device.

Bird netting installation

Bird netting is fairly easy to install, but you want to make sure that it’s done right so you don’t have to repeat yourself in preceding years. Before you get down to the nitty gritty of installation, make sure you find all places that the birds are roosting as well as all areas that they use to enter and exit the space. If you don’t do this, the birds may be able to sneak past the bird netting and start where they left off.

After you’ve done that, make sure you measure the bird netting correctly and secure it tightly away from areas that ruin the netting, such as extreme heat sources or large, moveable objects.