Read About Bird Wing Clipping

Bird wing clipping can be a matter of debate among bird owners, and a careful and informed decision needs to be made on this topic. Clipping a captive bird’s wings prevents him from accidentally getting loose and being released into a world in which he is not prepared to survive. Birds with clipped feathers are often easier to train and less likely to damage your home or injure themselves by flying into things. However, clipped wings can also leave a bird unable to escape a fellow pet or other dangers within his immediate environment. Consult your veterinarian or bird breeder with specific questions to help determine whether bird wing clipping is right for your situation. Bird wing clipping should not be done until a young bird has learned to fly. It is important that they have full, intact wings to learn how to properly balance, maneuver around, and land without injury. Adult birds who have had their wings clipped will need to have the procedure repeated after each molt, since new feathers will have grown in. Bird wing clipping involves clipping the feathers on the outermost tip of the bird’s wing, known as the primary flight feathers. Depending on the size, flying ability, and species of bird, just as few or as many as all ten of these primary flight feathers may need to be clipped. As a general rule, the more aerodynamic the species of bird is, the more primary flight feathers you will need to clip to limit his flight. Most bird owners choose to have their avian vet or other professional clip their bird’s wings, at least the first few times. Once you have observed the process, you may wish to ask your vet to instruct you how to do it on your own in the future. If you have not had your bird’s wings clipped before, it is best to start by just clipping a few. If your bird is still able to fly easily, clip a few more. After wing clipping, your bird should still be able to fly a few feet, for his own protection as well as to ensure he can still get adequate exercise. The flight feathers should be trimmed far enough so that the cut portion is protected by the major coverts of the wing, to keep the cut edges of the feathers from irritating the bird. Bird wing clipping should always involve clipping the feathers on both wings. A bird with feathers clipped on only one wing will have serious problems with balance and coordination.