Read About Bird Medication

When your bird gets sick, the right Bird Medication can make all the difference. Here’s everything you need to know about these products.

What Types of Bird Medications are Available?

For common Imageailments like colds, diarrhea and infections, antibiotics are a good choice to help clear them up quickly. They come in flavored tablet form that is added to the water dish. A common antibiotic is mardel, which is marketed under a number of brand names.

Skin conditions can be treated with a variety of Bird Medications. Some formulas are made specifically for scale treatment, while others treat mites and external parasites.

Upset stomachs can often be relieved by charcoal. Make sure to buy charcoal specifically formulated for birds, and use according to package instructions.

Where Can I Purchase Bird Medications?

For prescription medications, the best source is your local veterinarian. They will generally have a supply of medications for most common ailments.

Some websites specialize in prescription medications for your pet. ImageYou’ll need a current prescription from your vet before you order.

Over-the-counter medications are available at online pet stores, in your local pet shop, or in larger discount department stores. Be sure to check the labels carefully, and use according to instructions. Misuse of any Bird Medication may actually harm your bird.

If you have any concerns about your bird’s health, consult your veterinarian or breeder. They should be able to tell the common, run-of-the-mill ailments from the more serious health problems.