Read About Bird Breeding

Bird breeding, whether to keep the offspring or sell them, can be a huge undertaking. Breeders must be informed about a great many aspects of bird health and reproduction. It is not a hobby to be entered into lightly. Before you try to begin bird breeding, you should first learn all you can about various species of birds. Simply deciding to try to breed a particular kind of bird, because you like the way they look or think you can make a profit is likely a recipe for disaster. Some birds are much easier to breed than others. Some may take to breeding well, but raising the young chicks can be problematic.Image Successful bird breeding starts with healthy stock from which to breed. Have all of your potential parents checked out by an avian veterinarian to ensure they are healthy and, of course, to ensure you know the genders of all of them. Your vet will also be able to provide insight on whether the birds are physically mature enough to breed. Once you have determined that your stock is up to the task of reproduction, make sure that the breeding environment is conducive as well. Nesting needs vary depending on the species of bird, so be sure you have adequate facilities prepared for courtship of the birds as well as for the mother to lay and incubate her eggs. For example, to breed cockatiels, you will need a breeding cage that is around 18” wide and 18” high by about 48” in length and a nesting box that is about one square foot. Larger birds will, of course, need more space. Bird breeding requires patience and understanding of the mating habits of the species you choose to breed. Some birds only mate during specific times of the year; other breeds are more “opportunistic” in their breeding habits. At least a basic knowledge of bird genetics is also important for responsible bird breeding. Be sure you are aware of the possible ramifications of mating particular birds. If you are hoping to achieve a specific look in the offspring, you may need to be patient through more than one generation of breeding splits to breed together. Bird breeding can be a very rewarding experience, but it requires dedication, knowledge, and patience. Recognize the possible, and sometimes even probable, pitfalls with your chosen breed. And remember that bird breeding is not an exact science, and you will need to act responsibly with the lives you create.
