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Bird Rescues Info

Bird rescues occur many different ways. Here is an idea how some of them occur and how you can help.

Sometimes birds require bird rescues due to neglect, abuse or outliving their owner. When people purchase birds without a lot of research in advance, some disappointing circumstances can occur.

For example, the bird may require more time then the buyer expected and because of boredom, becomes aggressive or destructive. Another circumstance, because of poor planning, could be the bird needs exercise and interaction. The owner is away all day and the bird is lonely. Birds require a lot of love and patience. That should be expected, and of course will vary, depending on size, breed, and whether alone or with other birds. But with researching before you buy the pet, you can help eliminate some of the bird rescues.

There are other reasons bird rescues are necessary. A major event as a new baby, location change, or a death could also be the cause. Whatever the reason, it’s very sad and traumatic for the pet to lose its home. Some birds suffer emotionally when uprooted, just like people can.

Having to remove a bird from the home has become easier with bird rescues. These places will take in your pet and try to find a proper environment for the bird. Until the new home is found, the bird will be taken care of by a staff of bird lovers, who will see that it is given all the food, care, and attention it needs. Most of the people who work at pet rescue places are volunteers, who give freely of their time because they care about this problem. The places rely on donations and sometimes foster care to help ease the situation. Displaced birds number in the thousands, and every year seems to increase.

Bird rescues take place in many states and countries. If you have to find a new home for your bird, you can find bird rescues organizations online, or ask your local aviary veterinarian.

If you would like to help any bird rescues organization, they would love for you to visit and see what they need. Some are looking for volunteers, but they also take any donation you would like to give. They need money for medications, food, and supplies of course, but would also take toys, bird seed, cages, even water or food dishes.

Educating the public about birds is a goal of these bird rescues also and they sometimes have seminars for the public. Being a foster parent to a bird, is a wonderful way to get prepared without a lifetime commitment. Hopefully these things will help lower the number of birds that need bird rescues.

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