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Bird Care in an Emergency or Disaster

Keeping your bird from ruining your furniture can also help keep your bird safe and healthy, as some of the same bad habits a bird has can also affect its health.

The simplest solution would be to keep your bird in its cage. But many owners like to allow their birds to roam free, as it is good for the bird. If you choose to allow your bird to roam, whether it be in one area of, or throughout your whole house, then there are several steps and/ or precautions you should take. These include, but are not limited to, repellents and proper training.

One of these is to keep your bird from certain items. Birds are naturally gnawers, as it helps to keep their beaks trimmed. Wood items are generally a favorite of birds, but some lacquers and finishes can be toxic to your bird, especially the ones on antique furniture.

There are also a wide variety of bird repellants that can be purchased. Among some of the most popular ones contain, as its active ingredient, a chemical known as Methyl Anthranilate, which is made from a constituate of Concord grapes, and is environmentally safe.

Other repellents which discourage birds from perching in certain areas contain various types of non-drying, non-toxic clear sticky compounds. These types of repellents often last for longer periods than other chemicals, but the issue of cleaning surfaces can be an issue, as they can collect dust and dirt from the air.

The key to using chemicals or other repellents is to know your bird and do your research, as you would not want to unknowingly add something into your bird’s life which would negatively affect its health and well being.

Perhaps the best way to keep your bird from ruining furniture is to provide proper training. Like other animals, birds respond to both positive and negative reinforcement. Yes, some of the same techniques you may use to teach your bird to do tricks can also help stop negative behavior.

It is important to remember, however, that any type of reinforcement needs to be in a way that the bird can associate with the action. Like some other animals, birds live in the present. If your actions toward your bird are made hours after it has ruined your sofa, it will have no idea that it has done wrong. So, one of the best ways to use training in keeping your bird from ruining your furniture is to only allow your bird to roam free when you can keep an eye on it. Then you will be able to catch him in the act, allowing you to train him not to do what he is doing.

There are also many training methods to stop this sort of behavior. One method, such as spraying your bird with a water bottle, may work for others, but may not work for you. Another example is yelling. Some birds actually like loud noises, and this could actually serve as positive reinforcement! The key is to find something your bird dislikes, and can associate with its bad behavior.

It is also a good idea to get advice from other bird owners, pet shop associates, and even veterinarians. Either way, keeping your bird from ruining your furniture not only keeps it safe, but also cuts down on your expense and peace of mind. pBird care in an emergency or disaster is something many people don’t consider until the emergency or disaster is eminent. But if you are prepared, in advance, it could mean the difference between life and death of your feathered friend.

What types of preparation a bird owner should make generally depend on what type of emergency or disaster it is, such as fire, flooding, power outages, hurricanes, winter or other severe storms, medical emergency, or any other emergency or disaster in the list.

Generally when a bird owner has to leave home in instances such as a medical emergency or home disaster (fire, for instance), it is easier to find someone to care for their birds. This is because they will normally have local resources who they can contact to care for their pet.

It is still a good idea, however to have arranged with those resources in advance to care for the bird. It is also a good idea to have a written list of those resources, in case the bird owner becomes incapacitated, or the person they initially have care for their bird during an emergency or disaster has an emergency of their own.

Some good choices for emergency care would be family, friends, neighbors, local animal shelters, or animal boarding shelters. If the bird owner will be staying in a hotel, it is a good idea to know which hotels and motels are pet friendly. It is also a good idea to keep in mind the type of environment where your bird will be cared for. If at all possible, you don’t want your bird to be put in an environment where there is a potential for health issues or threats from other pets.

In natural disasters, or where the owner has to travel non-locally or has to evacuate, it can be a bit more difficult to find someone to care for an owner’s bird. This is because, as in the even of a natural disaster, many of the local sources may have to evacuate themselves, and won’t be able to help.

In these cases, the bird owner will probably have to care for their bird themselves. Either way, there are a few things that should also be prepared in the eventuality your needs emergency care. Among these are food, water, medicine, cleanliness supplies, and a container for your pet. Some owners keep an emergency kit just for this instance. It is also a good idea to make a list of any health problems or medicines your bird might need.

Any supplies should be enough for at least seven days, and these backup supplies should be rotated regularly. Blankets are also a good idea to keep on hand to help protect your bird from the elements, in case of power outages, especially during cold weather.

Other good preparedness methods are “in case of emergency” cards for your bird. A picture could be helpful also, in case your pet becomes lost. Also, the ASPCA offers a sticker which can be placed on doors or windows, letting emergency personnel that there is a pet in the residence. These can be ordered over the internet, or from some pet supply stores.

The main key is preparedness. Being properly prepared for your bird’s care in an emergency or disaster can not only keep your bird safe, but can also help give the bird owner added peace of mind.

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