Read About Bird Feeder

Place a bird feeder among the flowers in your backyard garden and watch your yard spring to life with bird songs, color, and action. Bird watching is relaxing and educational. Wherever you live, you'll find a feeder that suits your style. If you already happen to be knee-deep in squirrels and would prefer not to invite anymore than one or two thousand of them into your yard at a time, look for a squirrel-proof feeder.  

One of the very best ways to increase your bird watching enjoyment is to place a bird feeder somewhere within view from your favorite window. Provide your indoor puddy-tats with a cat window seat so they can watch the show too, but don't place the feeder so close to the window that the birds can see the cats. Bear in mind that birds will not frequent your feeder if they don't feel safe from predators. If you have outdoor kitties, place the feeder a safe distance away from Morris's hiding places, or you'll wind up with a cat feeder instead.  

If cats are not a problem, try a window feeder. If you're looking for a beautiful addition to your backyard environment, get a decorative bird feeder. Certain birds will eat from a suet bird feeder and you'll find those available too. Bird watching is fun and gaining popularity, and a pair of bird-watching binoculars and a bird identification book is all you need to get started.

One of the favorites among backyard birdwatchers is the brilliant Oriole. You can purchase a special bird feeder designed to dispense the nectars that these colorful birds feast on. Hummingbirds can either have their own hummingbird feeders, or they can share with the Oriole. To guard against attracting bees to the feeding station, choose a perch-activated feeder. Birds land on the base and their weight lowers the bar to reveal the nectar. Get a no-drip feeder to keep sticky nectar in its place.

Platform feeders are practical for many birds. You can find a variety of small hanging platform feeders or a ground platform feeder to suit the needs of your local bird population. To block squirrels from the feeders, there are clever bird feeders designed with special pavilion tops to keep them from accessing the bird seed, some that are on a pole where the squirrel just can't get a grip, and some that just twirl so much that squirrels can't enjoy their snacks.

Hoppers and tube feeders will make a lot of birds happy enough to sing, and they're a handsome addition to any yard or garden area. Be sure to choose bird feeders with a simple design for easy cleaning. Look for one with a removable bottom and top so you can easily manage the bird seed.

There are almost as many types of feeders as there are birds to feed. And maybe even more important than the feeder style, are the poles, hooks, hangers and pedestals available that are designed to keep your bird feeder out of danger's reach.