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Helping Children Grieve your Bird

Helping children grieve your bird is a process that takes caring patience. The grief process in children may involve various emotions. Children may be sad, anxious, fearful, or curious about death, or have all of these. It is important to realize that it is normal for a child to go through the grieving process, and that it may be much different from the grieving process an adult experience.

It is also important to help the child transfer into the mourning phase, which is the formalized response to death. Generally, grief involves emotions, mourning involves actions, such as burial or memorial services, purchasing bird memorials, etc.

Honesty and patience go a long way in helping children grieve your bird. It is important that the child is able to ask questions, and be given answers which he or she can understand and be comforted by.

Though it may help with some children, it is not always recommended to immediately acquire another pet to replace the lost bird, as a child may need to fully grieve the lost bird before being able to begin creating an emotional bond with another. It is also important that a child does not see this as an indication that life is easily replace .

Bird memorials often give children who are grieving for their pets an item to hold on to and provide a link to their pet. There are also other items, made specifically for children, to help them understand death and help them through the grieving process, such as coloring books.

In more severe cases of helping children grieve their lost bird, counseling or other form of therapy may be a good thing. Also, there are many books that cover the subject on helping children through the grieving process.

The most important thing to have while helping children grieve your bird is patience and understanding. Also, bear in mind that the steps you take in helping children grieve your bird can also go a long way to help you.

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