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Naming Your New Dog

Resist the temptation to rush into naming your new dog the moment you bring him home and introduce him to his new family. Take a little time to familiarize yourself with the dog’s personality, physical characteristics, and mannerisms before making your choice. Consider involving all members in your immediate household when it comes to the enjoyable and creative task of naming your new dog, it’s the best way to ensure that everyone feels they’ve made a contribution while playing the name game.

When naming your new dog, consider the overall sound and rhythm of the name choice. Some dog experts suggest that names with two syllables are easier for dogs to learn and understand. It’s also suggested that dogs with shorter names are easier to train, although it’s advisable to avoid choosing names that sound similar to standard command that you will most likely use when training your dog.

Naming your new dog should reflect your own lifestyle and personal interests, as well as attempt to capture the essence of your pet’s unique personality. Great dog names can arise from many popular categories; much loved television shows, great movies, favorite actors and even special cartoon characters, each can represent idea-rich areas to aid in your quest for the perfect dog name. When naming your new dog, you might also want to consider heritage as a point of inspiration, French names for Poodles, German names for Dachshunds, Chinese names for Pugs, the list goes on.

When you begin the task of teaching your new dog his name, an important key to remember is repetition. Use your dog’s name frequently, whenever you’re feeding, grooming, or playing with him. Reward him when he responds to his name, either with a special treat or words of praise. Avoid harsh tones when using his name. It’s important that your dog feels a strong, positive connection with the name you’ve bestowed on him. If he begins to fear he’s in trouble or has done something wrong when he hears his name, you may experience some difficulty in getting him to respond or come to you when you call him.

The most important consideration when naming your new dog is choosing something you are fond of and can identify with. Truth be known, your dog really doesn’t care what name he is eventually tagged with, as long as it is spoken with a warm and affectionate tone that’s what he will recognize and respond to.

