Read About Aquariums 101

When learning how to start a saltwater fish tank, it can at first be a bit daunting. There are many types of supplies and equipment you'll need to buy, as well as research you'll need to perform in terms of determining what type(s) of fish and other marine life to purchase. This is where Aquariums 101: How to Start a Saltwater Fish Tank comes in. We'll go over what kinds of equipment and supplies you'll need as a primer in beginning your home aquatic experience.  

The first step in learning how to start a saltwater fish tank is to determine your budget and how big of a tank you can purchase. Also keep in mind that you will need a place to put your aquarium, and that large tanks can get quite heavy-up to 1200 pounds! For beginners, it's recommended that you start out with a 10 gallon tank. This will leave you plenty of room for error when it comes to adding salt and other additives to your water supply; the bigger the tank, the more water there is to absorb any unintentional errors. However, the size of tank you choose is, ultimately, up to you. Just remember to purchase a tank stand and cover as well as the other essential elements. . 

Once you have your tank, then it's time to determine what else you need to start your saltwater aquarium. For starters, you'll need a filter; one of the most popular brands is the Whisper power filter, which fits up to a 60 gallon tank. You'll also need to look into buying a water pump, which will help aerate and oxygenate the tank. You'll also need to purchase a heater so that you can maintain the water's temperature at a level that's safe for your tropical fish. While you're at it, buy a thermometer too, so that you can regularly check up on the tank's temperature. Additional equipment such as water purifiers and protein skimmers are optional, although recommended for optimal performance.  

Aside from purchasing the equipment, one of the major tasks of learning how to start a saltwater fish tank is learning how much salt and chemicals to add. This will, of course, depend upon the size of tank you ultimately buy. But if you purchase any one of the ready-made specialty marine salts, then the directions should be able to help guide you. In addition, you'll want to purchase some water testing kits to make sure that the pH, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, and other chemical levels stay within safe ranges, as keeping on top of changes in chemical levels is a primary responsibility when it comes to maintaining an aquarium. 

When you bring everything home, remember that you must get everything in place-the tank, water, chemicals, gravel, rock , plants, etc. before introducing your fish to the environment. It will take at least 3 to 4 days, before your tank will fully acclimate itself and the chemical balance will rise to an acceptable, safe level for your fish to thrive.  

All in all, it's important that you enjoy the learning process, as owning and maintaining a saltwater aquarium is a fun hobby and rewarding experience. Enjoy! Learning how to start a saltwater fish tank is a relatively easy and fun project.