Read About Signs of Fish Ich Disease

Signs of fish Ich disease include white spots on the bodies and fins of fish, which explains one of the common names for this disease. Whitespot, also commonly referred to as Ich, is actually caused by protozoa known as Ichthyophthirius. This is one of the most common problems in home aquariums, but can be Imageeasily dealt with if detected early. Fish afflicted with Ich have white spots on their bodies and fins, clamped fins, and visible trouble breathing.

The white spots that are one of the classic signs of fish Ich disease often resemble grains of salt. These spots are actually small cysts. Individual cysts may be up to around 1 mm in diameter. In some cases, these cysts may join together to form irregularly shaped white patches. The spots can be evident on any part of the bodies and fins of fish. Commonly though, the spots will start on the head of the fish and then spread over the body.

Scratching is another of the signs of fish Ich disease. Badly infected fish may become itchy and try to scratch themselves against nearly anything they can. You may see your infected fish trying to scratch himself on aquarium decorations, the bottom of the tank, or anything else he can rub against.

Loss of appetite can also be one of the signs of fish Ich disease. If you have several fish in your tank and only one or two are initially infected, it may be difficult Imageto notice a loss of appetite.

Some other signs of fish Ich disease include cloudiness on the eyes or fins. This is generally not as noticeable as the white spots. Rapid gill fluctuation, or heavy breathing, is another one of the common signs of fish Ich disease. This is due to the infection invading the fish’s gills, making breathing difficult.

Fish Ich disease is easily treatable and best detected early. The most common of the signs of fish Ich disease are white spots on the head and body of the fish. Itching, rapid breathing, and loss of appetite are other signs of fish Ich disease.