Read About Horse Photography

Horse photography can be a very rewarding past time and help you capture some moments that otherwise would be lost forever. Here's everything you need to know about this item.

Horse Photography - Why?

  1. Who Needs These?

    Some people need to know about photographing their horse to put in a sales ad. Others just need portraits of their horses. Still more just want to have candid pictures to share with family and friends.
  2. Types:

    There are many types of photographs. There are action shots either taken at a show or just candid shots of your horse. You can also take still, portrait type pictures. Any of these can be professionally done photos or done by yourself. With a little practice, you can learn to get the great shots that really show off your horse.
  3. Uses:

    You can use these pictures for advertising the sale of your horse, for a portrait of your horse, for sharing with family and friends, or just to document the life and activities of your horse.

Horse Photography - How to Choose

  1. Online:

    You can look online for tips on how to take a good photograph of your horse. You can also use the internet to find a professional photographer in your area if you would like to use one.
  2. Professional Shots:

    If you want a portrait of your horse, you can look for a professional who knows how to handle horses. Some professionals go to shows and offer pictures of your horse during his performance. With a little practice and a little help, you can get some very professional looking shots yourself. Here are a few tips to remember. First, it helps to have a handler help you out. It is very difficult to handle the horse and the camera at the same time. Next is the leg position. The front leg closest to you should be forward, and the back leg closest to you should be back. Otherwise, your horse will look off-balance. Also, if you want to take a still portrait, try to position your horse to show all four legs and the full body in the shot. Remember, there are many more tips out on the internet.
  3. Candid Shots:

    Candid shots are another way to get terrific pictures of your horse. It is a good idea to have a loaded camera with you any time you spend time with your horse. Competitions are a great place to take candid shots to catch your horse in action. Just remember that photo opportunities come at unexpected times, so always be on the look out for that perfect shot.
  4. Expense:

    The "do-it-yourself" route is very inexpensive, especially if you have a digital camera. Professional photos can be more expensive, but many times well worth it.
  5. Other items you might need:

    If you already have the camera equipment, all you need is a little creativity and a love of your subject.