Read About Amphibian Diseases-Conditions

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Amphibian Bacterial Diseases

An amphibian developing a disease from the result of bacteria is small. Bacterial septicemia is one of the only bacterial diseases linked with a large amount of deaths in amphibians. Other bacteria have caused sporadic cases of diseases. Another type of bacteria that causes infections in humans is Salmonella and Leptospira. They have the capability to be fatal to livestock, humans and family pets.

When an amphibian contracts bacterial septicemia, they show signs of pale skin, petechiation, hemorrhaging ulcers, lethargy, anorexia, edema, hemorrhaging in the internal organs, parasites and pale livers. This is mainly an infection of the blood stream.

Overcrowding and stress is the main cause of bacterial infections called non-hemolytic group B streptococcus. This bacteria infection can cause death in amphibians. Chlamydia, a degenerate bacterium, lives within an amphibian host. The symptoms of streptococcus are fulminate and infections that are in the many internal organs. This disease is linked with other diseases that cause death in the amphibians.

Spring disease occurs during the breeding season and is usually fatal. The symptoms of spring disease are yawning excessively, lethargy, color loss or change.

Amphibians with immune deficiencies are found to bet mycobacterium. This bacterium involves the respiratory system, intestines and the skin. The amphibians develop mass-like tumors throughout their inner organs. The liver, spleen, kidneys and the testes become destroyed and deteriorate by the bacteria and the amphibian eventually dies.

A bacterium commonly linked to death in domestic pets, livestock and humans and is carried by amphibians is called Salmonella. This disease is carried through the stool of the amphibians. Anything in contact with the amphibians stool is contaminated and must be washed immediately to prevent humans and other pets from becoming very ill by this disease.

Leptospia is bacteria found in the kidneys and vertebrates. It releases in the urine. This is another bacterium passed from amphibians to humans. It also has the ability to be fatal if not treated properly when humans, pets and livestock contract it.

Bacterial infection that infects the limbs and toes is called bumble foot. When bumble foot is present it makes the infected area become swollen and abscessed. It will, after time, cause the foot or limb to fall off.

Gas bubble disease is a non-infectious disease the amphibians can get from the water being overly saturated with air. The skin and foot webs receive bubbles when gas bubble disease is present. To prevent this from happening to your amphibian proper monitoring of your water pump and water pressure system is necessary.

There are several underlying circumstances in death of amphibians. Most of their deaths are not really known. Many death finding have included hepatitis, renal cysts and skeletal myonecrosis. Many times it is related to acute low-grade toxicity or other nutritional factors.

Many bacterial infections can be treated and are fatal to amphibians if not if they are not. Some infections are just carried by the amphibians and transferred to humans, their pets and livestock. If your amphibian shows signs of irregular behavior or symptoms of illness call your veterinarian immediately.
