Read About Amphibian Diseases-Conditions

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Fungal Amphibian Disease

Amphibians often have some sort of fungal disease, but it is second to immune deficiencies, trauma, and stress. Many of the fungal infections are pathogens and healthy animals that have no evidence of lesions you need to isolate the others.

Since amphibians have very moist living conditions and they are commonly diagnosed with fungal infections. Fungus grows in moist or where humidity is present. They are sometimes to follow an injury or stress in environment.

In the aquatic amphibian fungal disease most often starts on a wound, on bacterial ulcer or a stressed amphibian from unhealthy living conditions. Fungal infections show inflammation and swelling of a small area of skin, mostly in an area of a recent wound. Fungal disease appears as a pearly, creamy or yellow growth with a furry appearance in water with a slimy, velvety feeling to the touch. Found generally around wounds and abrasions. Eventually lesion, skin sores, or other abnormal skin color appear in the onset of a fungal infection. This is a sign it has moved throughout the body and should be treated immediately.

This irritating fungal infection is treatable, but you do need to treat the underlying cause to the disease. When symptoms are present, you need to get your amphibian to the veterinarian so it is able to start medical treatment.

Many times when fungal infection is caught early, the fungal infection can be treated with an oral antibiotic antiseptic. This treatment is a fungicide or diluted hydrogen peroxide. It is suggested you treat the fungal infection with the antibiotic daily until it has all cleared. The secondary infection should be treated next. Another alternative treatment often used is dipping the amphibian in one 5-minute dip in a malachite green treatment, a 2% solution. Sometimes this treatment does need repeated. Although if there is no improvement, this should be done up to three times a day. Before doing any treatments you should make an appointment with your veterinarian to find all the available treatment options for your amphibian.

Since fungal disease is a curable disease it is best to make sure not only the living conditions and nutrition of your amphibian is done correctly, but watch for the onset of this disease. There will be an underlying cause to this disease. Because fungal disease can be treated it is best to make the best quality life for your amphibian to expand their longevity in their life.
