Read About Screaming Bird

ImageA screaming bird is usually very unhappy about something. While it is normal for birds to make a variety of noises, whether singing, talking or chirping, screaming is usually a behavioral problem that can be corrected through proper training – for both you and your bird.

A common cause of a screaming bird is boredom. Much like a small child, your bird is seeking attention in any way he can. He doesn’t differentiate between positive attention, such as playing, and negative attention, like scolding. Any attention is “good” attention as far as a bored bird is concerned. Increasing the amount of time you spend socializing with your bird can often help reduce the amount of screaming your bird does, as well as increasing the amount of his happier noises.

In addition to increasing the amount of socialization time, establishing specific play times and rest times can help minimize screaming. You may wish to try covering your bird’s cage for a short time, then uncovering it and socializing with him. This will teach him to rest quietly and then be rewarded with play time.

Some screaming that is due to boredom can be reduced or even eliminated by providing your bird with an avian friend. Depending on the breed of bird, this could be a mate in the same cage or another bird in the same room.

When your bird persists in screaming, it is important to calmly ignore her. When she quiets down, be sure to lavish her with praise. Each time her volume increases, resume ignoring her. Since attention is usually what she is craving, ignoring the bad behavior and praising the desired behavior is always the best tactic. Be warned, no one said it was easy. But it will work, given time and consistency.

Some breeds of birds tend to make more noise at particular times of day. Cockatoos, for example, tend to loudly announce sunrise and sunset. If this is the case with your bird, you may find you need to cover your bird’s cage at particular times of the day, or move his cage to an interior room with less natural light, to reduce loud noises and screaming. Screaming may be how some birds mark the approach or arrival of their mating season; they are just hollering to see if there are any available mates around.

A screaming bird can also be an indication that he is frightened. If your normally quiet bird suddenly makes very loud noises, you should definitely investigate his environment.

In most cases, a screaming bird is just trying to get your attention. Finding the source of her unhappiness and positively reinforcing quiet behavior are the best antidotes to this noisy situation.