Read About Bird Exercise

Bird Exercise toys are a great way to add some fun to your pet bird’s day. Here’s everything you need to know about them.

Bird Exercise Toys and Accessories

Birds love to play, and the exercise they get from playing is great for their overall health. Help your bird get the exercise he needs with a variety of fun toys and accessories.

A favorite bird toy is a ladder. They come in various sizes for different breeds, and many of them have small bells or other shiny bits attached for extra fun. The ladders are typically hung on small hooks from the top of the cage, and your bird will spend hours traipsing up and down. Prices are usually under $10 or so.

Swings are another Bird Exercise essential. Like ladders, they come in many shapes and sizes, and are equipped with beads, bells and other trinkets for playtime. These can range from quite inexpensive (under $5) to a fully loaded parrot swing for upwards of $30.

Other toys that offer fun and exercise are millet holders, tassels and other gizmos designed specifically to keep birds amused. Any good pet store will have a variety of these toys.

Choosing the Proper Bird Exercise Equipment

Keep safety in mind at all times. Wooden toys should be smooth and free from splinters. Any bells or beads should be securely attached. And make sure you are buying the proper size. A large bird can easily break a swing designed for a tiny finch, so check the manufacturer’s recommendations for weight and type of bird.