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Common New Bird Problems

Common new bird problems can be taken care of with some knowledge and patience. Here are several problem solving ideas. Sometimes, if the bird is young, the bird will not know the food dish inside the cage contains their food. They may have only experienced eating seeds on the bottom of the cage. If you see that the bird seed hasn’t been touched after several hours, lower the dish. You can also put a very small dish on the cage floor to see if that works. You may have to try several things before the bird catches on. This is one of the common new bird problems that are an easy fix. The bird may not see that there is water in the water dish. You can move it around a bit and show the bird that it is there and that may work for you. If not, you could try using a water bottle. A water bottle needs to be checked often for clogs. Make sure the bird knows how to get the water from it. Some common new bird problems may be behavioral. Some of these problems can be stopped just by giving attention, toys and enough room for the bird to be natural in his new home. Getting the bird on a semi strict schedule, provide conversation often, and occasionally scratch his head when he is behaving quietly will keep him feeling secure. If the bird screams out, do not notice. Otherwise the bird will learn this works at getting your attention. Let the bird out everyday but it can vary in time. The bird will learn to look forward to being out socializing with the household. This will help prevent the bird from feeling isolated. Another one of the common new bird problems you encounter could be biting. Birds will bite when they have something important for you to know. You can stop most of these occurrences by learning what scares your bird. Birds use body language before they bite so if you learn what upsets your bird, you can prevent this from happening. Now of course, some birds bite in play. Discourage this by not having the bird use your hands as a toy. During the time your bird and you are learning how to live together; you can reward the pet for all the good behaviors, and ignore the bad ones. Hopefully, these common new bird problems will be easily prevented by these helpful hints.
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