An aggressive cat can be a scary cat. No one desires to be around any aggressive animal because they are frighteningly unpredictable. If you have an aggressive cat, it is difficult to bring them around babies and small children. And chances are if your kitty is aggressive, then they are probably taking their aggression out on inanimate objects in your home. But you are in luck, because there is help for most of these animals.
An aggressive cat is normal to a certain degree. It is when it gets out of hand or is directed at people that you have a problem. It is natural for cats to be territorial especially in their home or yard. Don’t worry if this is the only type of aggression your cat exhibits because it is perfectly normal.
One thing you need to keep an eye out for is if your cat becomes aggressive when they are touched or rubbed. This can mean they have an injury or they are experiencing pain. At this point, you need to see a veterinarian as soon as possible. They may be suffering from an internal injury of some sort.
Aggression can stem from a variety of environmental factors. First, your cat may feel that you are invading their area or territory and act out at you for this. In this type of situation, you need to slowly make the cat feel more comfortable about their environment and the people in it.
Built up energy can cause a normal cat to become an aggressive cat. If your cat stays strictly indoors, then they need to be played with and provided with toys and areas to climb and jump. Making a play area with toys and climbing and scratching posts are ideal for aggressive cats that need a release of energy.
Did you know that spaying or neutering an animal can help calm aggressive tendencies? Any time your have your cat spayed or neutered, they become much calmer and much more peaceful animals. Not to mention that it may keep them healthier and prevents unwanted pregnancies.
Lastly, if you have this problem with your kitty it is best to discuss it with your veterinarian. You can also seek help from an animal behavior specialist. They will be able to identify some of the triggers and give you techniques to implement to lessen the aggression. Don’t worry; your aggressive cat can be helped so you can have a happy and healthy relationship with this animal.