- Facts
- Size & Weight: Medium sized, weight 8-10 pounds.
- Coat: Coat is medium-length, fine, dense, soft, silky with lustrous sheen.
- Head & Muzzle: Head is slightly rounded, wedge shaped. Muzzle is neither pointed nor blunt.
- Body: Body is medium in length, lithe, graceful, sturdy, and muscular.
- Colors: Ruddy brown (ticked with brown or black shades), warm glowing red ticked with chocolate-brown, blue ticked with slate blue, fawn ticked with cocoa brown.
- Life Expectancy: Average age is 12-15 years.
- Popularity: Popularity is within first ten of CF.
- Habitat: Abyssinians are indoor cats.
- Origins
- Country of Origin: Ethiopia (Ancient Abyssinia)
- Lineage: Abyssinian is a cross of silver and brown tabbies with British "Bunny" ticked cats.
- Date Admitted to CFA: Abyssinian admitted to CFA in 1930.
- Historical Information: Abyssinian was brought to England from Abyssinia (Ethiopia) at the close of war probably near about 1874. Some say breed was brought to England from India by colonists. In mid 1830 Leiden Zoological Museum in Holland purchased the cat and labeled it "Patrie, domestica India". Though the cat was first brought in US in 1900, a quality Abyssinian cat came to USA in 1930.
- Defining Characteristics
- Training Ease: Abyssinian is easy to train with patience.
- Temperament: Abyssinian is intelligent, cute, wild, playful, affectionate, loyal, own-willed and good problem solver.
- Tolerance to Children: Abyssinian loves to play fetch game with children and is friendly to them.
- Behavior: Abyssinian enjoy being on the move, patrolling their owner's territory and watching birds.
- Concerns
- Health Issues: Abyssinian is a healthy cat but may show P K Deficiency, an inherited disease due to recessive gene mutation.
- Feeding: A balanced commercial diet specific to the breed is recommended.
- Exercise Needs: Abyssinian keeps themselves moving or playing on their own and give themselves plenty of exercise.
- Grooming Needs: Weekly brushing of coat and trimming of nails is required. Bathing should be done once a year during shedding or as required.
- Special Household Needs: House doors should be kept closed. Windows should have screens.
- Travel Needs: Doors and windows should be kept closed. Travel carriers are recommended.
- Getting Along With Other Pets: Abyssinian adapts well with other pets.
Abyssinian - How to Choose your Cat Breed
- What To Look for in a Healthy Cat: Must not have white locket, kinked tail, dark unbroken necklace, grey under coat, incorrect number of toes, or any color other than the accepted four. The kitten should have all vaccinations and be sociable.
- What You Will Need for a New Cat: You will need bowls for food and water, quality food, litter pan with litter, brush, nail trimmer, and a scratching post.
- Cat-Proofing your House: House should be made cat proof as it would be made for a crawling baby.
- How to Make Your New Cat Feel at Home: Abyssinian breed is not a lap pet. They feel at home while playing, talking, and being petted.