Devon Rex cats are notorious for being playful troublemakers. They can be as nosy as they are loving, and they hate to be left alone. Devon Rex cats are active and curious, and enjoy climbing. They can often be found trying to climb onto the top of the tall furniture, television sets, and people’s shoulders, or even trying to perch themselves on doorframes. A wide variety of toys can help to keep these cats amused and out of trouble.
Devon Rex cats are descended from a curly-haired stray found in Devonshire, England in 1960. He mated with a local female cat and one of the resulting kittens also had a curly coat. Named Kirlee, this cat became the foundation of the Devon Rex breed.
Devon Rex cats have large eyes, wide cheeks, and large ears. They are often described as having an overall pixie-like look, which is only enhanced by their playful temperaments. Their coats are mostly made up of downy undercoat, with very few guard hairs. The effect of this is a coat that forms waves or ripples. The Devon Rex cat’s eyebrows and whiskers curl also; care should be taken with these as they can easily snap off. Small to medium in size, the Devon Rex usually weighs between 5 and 10 pounds.
Devon Rex cats do not require much grooming. Very gentle brushing is usually sufficient. A very soft brush should be used, to avoid damaging the coat. Many Devon Rex owners find that a baby brush works well for this delicate task. To emphasize the waves of your Devon Rex’s coat, firmly stroke the cat with your hand from head to tail.
Although the pixie-like look of the Devon Rex may give the impression of a fragile cat, they are actually a hardy breed. Generally healthy cats, they are not prone to any particular illnesses or ailments. The life expectancy of a Devon Rex cat is around 9 to 15 years and many properly cared for Devon Rex cats live well into their teen years. The average litter size of the Devon Rex is about five kittens, although larger litters are not uncommon.