The three friendliest cat breeds could certainly be a matter of great debate among cat lovers. Many breeds of cat are known for their friendly and outgoing personalities. Among some of the most outwardly friendly, energetic, or curious breeds are Burmese, Ocicats, and Turkish Angoras.
Burmese are very affectionate cats and make excellent pets which put them at the top of the three friendliest cat breeds list. They are a playful breed and are highly intelligent. Very people-oriented, Burmese are sometimes referred to as the dogs of the cat world, for the way they attach to their human companions. Some Burmese will follow other cats or humans from room to room, all the while attempting to engage in play. Burmese cats tend to be very vocal, and are extremely affectionate and curious. Burmese enjoy climbing, and should be trained to use a scratching post to keep them from destroying furniture or curtains. Some owners of Burmese cats say the females are more persistent in following their human companions around, and that males tend to be a bit more relaxed. Hefty in weight for their small size, Burmese have been referred to as “silk-wrapped bricks.” Burmese cats never outgrow their desire to play, and many seem to have the same energy as kittens well into later years.
Second on the three friendliest cat breeds list are Ocicats. Ocicats are spotted cats with the natural grace and agility of wild cats. Under their wild-looking exterior, however, Ocicats are gentle and playful. Rarely aggressive, Ocicats are curious and friendly. They get along well with cats and other pets, and make good family pets. Ocicats are gentle and patient with children. The Ocicat began with an accidental mating in the 1960’s. In an attempt to create an Abyssinian pointed Siamese, a seal point Siamese and a Usual Abyssinian were mated. One of the kittens from that litter bred back to a chocolate point Siamese, producing a litter of kittens with an assortment of color and patterns. One of these kittens had an ivory coat with gold spots, resembling a wild ocelot. This cat was the bred with American Shorthairs, and the breed has grown in popularity.
Third on the three friendliest cat breeds list are Turkish Angora cats, which are intelligent and quick-witted cats. Inquisitive and agile, Turkish Angoras keep an eye on every move their human companions make. Turkish Angora kittens tend to be precocious, and may get themselves into a bit of trouble now and then. Turkish Angoras are friendly and generally do well with other pets as well as with children. Turkish Angora cats have a medium length long haired coat with no undercoat. While the most well-known coat color is white, Turkish Angoras may also have blue, black, red, or almost 20 other colors. Turkish Angoras may have blue, green or amber eyes, and often have one blue eye and one eye of another color. The average weight for a Turkish Angora is 5 to 9 pounds.
Although there may never be a definite consensus among cat owners, some breeds are generally known to be more friendly than others. These three friendliest cat breeds get along well with humans as well as other animals, are affectionate, and are often very curious.