Facts for Beginners
The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) was instituted in 1906 and is one of the world’s largest cat-related organizations. It has chapters throughout the world and sponsors a wide variety of cat shows each year.
Much like the American Kennel Club (AKC) has set many of the standards for dog breeding and showing, the CFA has continued to set standards for cat breeders and showers. It currently recognizes over 40 different pedigreed breeds for shows. The organization’s Web site contains detailed information on those breeds, including the physical and temperament requirements for champion show dogs.
The breeds recognized by CFA are: Abyssinian, American Bobtail, American Curl, American Shorthair, American Wirehair, Balinese, Birman, Bombay, British Shorthair, Burmese, Chartreux, Colorpoint Shorthair, Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, Egyptian Mau, European Burmese, Exotic, Havana Brown, Japanese Bobtail, Javanese, Korat, LaPerm, Maine Coon, Manx, Norwegian Forest Cat, Ocicat, Oriental, Persian, Ragamuffin, Ragdoll, Russian Blue, Scottish Fold, Selkirk Rex, Siamese, Siberian, Singapura, Somali, Sphynx, Tonkinese, Turkish Angora, and Turkish Van.
The organization also has a number of Breed Councils, which oversee the regulations and requirements for each breed. These legislative bodies meet regularly and will update the regulations from time to time, or make rulings on specific questions that come up during shows.
You can find out more about cat breeds and classifications by logging on to the CFA Web site and checking out their FAQ section. Have a question? Feel free to contact them for help with breed-related solutions and situations.