Keeping Fleas and Ticks on the Run
Fleas and ticks can be a problem for any pet owner, especially if your kitty spends a lot of time outdoors. But even indoor cats can become infested. Luckily, there are several ways to keep fleas and ticks out of the house.
First of all, you’ll be able to determine whether your cat has a flea or tick problem if you see any of the little pests, start getting bites on your own body, or notice your cat scratching excessively at her fur. If you suspect your cat has fleas, immediately treat your home with a product to control the bugs. Wash linens and pillow covers, and keep rugs and carpets vacuumed.
You can also find many over-the-counter flea and tick solutions for your pet at your local grocery store or pharmacy. Some treat only the adult insects, while others will kill bugs at the larval stage. Find out what works best, and make sure to use it according to manufacturer’s instructions.
It’s highly advisable to consult a vet before using any flea or tick product, even if it’s sold over the counter. You should also never use products designed for dogs on your cats, or vice versa. Make sure you know the risks of using these products around children or the elderly.
Removing Ticks the Safe Way
If you find a tick on your cat’s body, don’t immediately attempt to pull it off. The tick has hooks that embed into the animal’s skin and make it difficult to remove. Using tweezers, be sure to grasp the head right next to the animal’s skin and pull gently to remove the entire bug. If you can’t do it, or leave the head embedded in your cat, consult your veterinarian for assistance.