Read About Natural Cat Treats


Has your kitty been especially wonderful lately? Cat treats may even guarantee that the good behavior continues a little bit longer. On the other hand, if your cat's been a devilishly bad boy or girl - shredding the arms of your mother-in-law's favorite hand-me-down armchair again or beating up on his companion - withholding a pet treat might be one way to re-establish your dominance.

Cat treats come in many flavors, sizes and shapes. The natural ingredients in some cat treats may just be the most appealing for you and your cat. You will appreciate the healthy treats because they include essential minerals and vitamins, and they do not contain wheat, corn, BHA, artificial colors or preservatives. Kitty will also love it if it tastes like chicken, salmon, or turkey. Look for other healthy and nutritious ingredients such as spelt, malted barley, and fish oil.

Conventional cat treats are filled with by-product meals, BHA (a cheap preservative), artificial flavoring and added animal fat. Ground corn is the number one ingredient in most brands, and all of the above creates a cheap treat that will that offers little nutrition to your cat. Offer your feline friend a healthy, delicious and natural pet treat instead, and you can be assured that you're not only giving him a little reward, you're watching out for his health, as well.

Use cat treats as a special reward for any good behavior your cat shows, but be careful not to over use treats. You don’t want your cat dependant on food as a reward. Start them out with praise and a treat, then use other methods for reward, and keep the treats for what they are – an occasional treat.

Some kitties find their own yummy snacks. They may happen upon a nice patch of catnip in the yard. For indoor cats who can’t find their own, you can buy dried or fresh catnip and keep it in the refrigerator as a tasty dessert or a fun treat. Just sprinkle dried catnip on the floor or spread it into the carpet cover of your cat's scratching post.

Perhaps you’d rather make your cat’s treats for them from scratch. Here is a recipe for some delicious, yet very rich, cat treats.

Mix together two eggs, 1 to 2 cups of milk, two tablespoons of a good nutritional supplement powder or Brewer's yeast, Vitamin A or cod liver oil, Vitamin E, about one teaspoon of bone meal, about 1-2 teaspoons of fresh, finely ground raw vegetables, one can of salmon or mackerel and a tablespoons of good quality olive oil. Blend with pieces of whole grain bread, and serve it raw, or bake it for about 20 minutes on a medium high temperature.

Your cats will love your own homemade natural cat treats.