Kitten-Proofing Your Home
Just like an infant, a kitten or new adult cat in your home doesn’t always know what’s safe and what’s dangerous. A curious kitty can get into a lot of trouble, and if left unattended, can even endanger his own life.
It’s important to kitten-proof your home to make sure he won’t get into anything harmful while you’re not around. Here are a few tips to get started:
· Remove house plants or keep them out of reach. For some reason, cats love house plants. They’ll eat them, play in the soil, and even tip them over if they can. Many plants are poisonous and can cause real damage to your cat beyond a good scare when tipping over.
· Keep chemicals, lotions, and other solutions locked away. This includes furniture polish, body lotions, fungicide, cleaning fluids, paint supplies, medications, and alcohol. Make sure cabinets aren’t easily opened by an inquisitive kitty; if they are, keep them locked with child-proof locks.
· Make your home escape-proof. A house cat that escapes is in great danger of never coming back. They just don’t know how to fend for themselves and often get lost, run over, or injured by other animals. Keep windows and screens secure. Never leave the house with an open window. If you can’t trust your cat to stay inside while you’re gone, confine him to one room with doors that close securely.