- Facts
1. Problem Definition:
About 40% of cats suffer from allergies. The allergies can be due to any thing like foods, fleas, and bacteria. If cats are allergic to its soap or shampoo then feline acne can be seen. Due to skin allergies their hair starts falling out.
2. Symptoms:
Itching of the skin is the most important symptom of cat allergy. Infection of respiratory system causing coughing and sneezing, nose and eyes will start running, and vomiting are some common symptoms of cat allergies. In feline acne, black spots can be seen on the face and chin.
3. Duration of Problem:
Cat allergies are very easy to cure. Once medication is started within 2 to 3 weeks a cat will get rid of allergies.
4. Exposure:
Cat allergies are also caused due to dust and dirt. If you are taking the cat out for exercising and daily walk, be sure to take it near a clean park or ground. Some cat allergies are contagious.
- Prevention & Treatment
1. The Treatment:
Once you detect that your cat is suffering from allergies find out which type of allergy it has. After that, your vet will give proper medication to treat the cat.
2. Prevention:
To avoid flea allergies flea control products can be used. The cat’s entire surroundings should be kept clean.
3. Precautions:
It's very important to select a cat as a pet which will not shed much hair. Wash their beddings regularly to prevent a dust allergy. Daily vacuuming and cleaning the house will help keep away fleas and dust. Try to use mild soaps and shampoos.
4. Helpful Supplies:
To keep cat allergies away you may use flea control products. Even a vacuum cleaner will do to clean the dust. To avoid bacterial allergies keep its food and water bowls clean. Provide fresh and clean water for drinking and bathing.
s - Concerns
1. Level of Seriousness:
Cat allergies are not a serious disease, if you will give them proper medication. But if you avoid taking your pet to the vet then it might be a serious problem and will affect your and your kids' health too.
2. Lasting Consequences:
Cat allergies can be cured 100% but if proper hygiene is not maintained it might affect your cat again.
3. Genetics:
Some cat allergies are hereditary.
4. Lifestyle Accommodations:
After treatment you will have to provide the cat only those foods prescribed by the vet.
5. Expense:
Curing most cat allergies is not an expensive affair.