- Health
1. Inoculations:
Cats can suffer from a variety of
diseases. Inoculations have been discovered to protect them from
fleas, diarrhea, ringworm, herpes, hyperthyroidism and several other
2. Vet Visits:
You must consult your vet time and again for your cat's health. At least one visit a year is necessary. But if the cat shows any uncanny symptoms, then you must promptly visit the vet and get it diagnosed.
3. Grooming:
Grooming of your cat can be done at home or professionally. The motive of grooming should be to remove parasites like ticks, mites and fleas on the body of your cat, and not just to make the coat look shiny and glossy.
4. Pet Proofing Your Home:
Cats that suffer from ringworm and fleas are potential problems, as they can spread these diseases to humans also. These cats should be kept away from household things. They should be confined to one place till their disease is resolved.
5. Environment:
Cats may pick up several diseases from the outside environment. These may be infections. They can also get contagious diseases from outdoor cats.
6. Exercise:
Obesity is one of the most serious problems in cats, which can cause diabetes and arthritis in the long run. Cats must be provided with adequate exercise to prevent these problems.
- Food
1. Type:
Food is important. Give cats a low fat food that is also low in carbohydrates. If your cat has renal problems, then you should provide a food that is low in proteins.
2. Variety or Always the Same:
Cats like variety in their diet. Try to change the type of food, but don't change it too often, or it would cause intestinal and stomach upsets.
3. Bowls -- Fancy or Plain:
Since cats are very finicky and choosy creatures, the kind of bowl they eat in will also make a difference. Cats generally select and maintain favorite bowls. Some of them may not eat at all when served in different bowls.
4. Treats:
You can provide cats with treats from time to time. Just make sure that the treats won't be harmful to your cat's health in any way.
- Temperament
1. Pet Temperament:
Cats are friendly creatures, but on occasion they may show aggression. Cats can turn violent if they are kept hungry.
2. Pet Socialization:
Cats should not be kept alone ideally. If you can afford to keep another cat, then both will remain healthy together.
3. Playing With Your Pet:
Cats need pampering. You should invest some amount of time each day, gently cuddling your cat and playing with it.
4. Behavior Problems:
Cats are creatures that may have behavioral problems because of their emotional disposition. Behavioral problems could be aggression, scratching furniture, clawing people, uncontrollable urination and voiding, etc. These problems need to be immediately addressed, after studying the underlying causes.
5. Training:
Being intelligent creatures, cats can be trained to perform a variety of tricks.
- Supplies
1. What You Need:
The vet's inoculations must be taken seriously.
2. What You'll Want:
Pet cats must not be allowed to predate on stray pests. You must give them all supplies they need, especially food, so they don't have to hunt pests.