Read About Feline Health Problems
- Facts
As with any pet, it is important to get your cat's
inoculations on a yearly schedule.
Vet Visits:
It is advisable to visit your veterinarian at least annually or more often as indicated by your vet.
Some breeds need more
brushing, bathing, and nail trimming than others. Other breeds may only require these things infrequently.
Pet Proofing Your Home:
It is advisable to remove any and all items that could poison or harm your cat just as you would with a toddler.
Most environments are suitable for cats as long as they are free from harmful situations.
Cats are generally very playful and active, thus requiring the need for some exercise. The amount will vary depending on your individual cat.
- Food
Dry food on a daily basis with an occasional treat of wet or moist food is best for your cat. The food should be of high quality that offers proper nutrition.
Variety or Always the Same:
It is particularly important to maintain your cats
diet to prevent stress or stomach upset.
Bowls -- Fancy or Plain:
There are many to choose from that can fit into just about any decorating style. Most cats are not picky about the dish their food is in.
There are many different varieties of treats available for your cat. Finding the one that your cat prefers is a work of trial.
- Temperament
Pet Temperament:
All cats differ in their individual temperament. Many different aspects can tribute to your cat's daily temperament.
Pet Socialization:
Socialization is dependent upon your individual cat. Some cats prefer seclusion and privacy where others thrive on constant interaction.
Playing With Your Pet:
As with most pets cats thrive on attention from humans and other animals. Therefore, it is important to play with and show affection to your cat.
Behavior Problems:
Behavior problems are no stranger to cats, therefore, it is important to take time to train your cat and seek professional assistance if needed.
Most cats are fairly easily trained. It is important to encourage habits and attitudes that are conducive to your home. If you are unable to reach success to training your cat, seeking professional advice is always an option.
- Supplies
What You Need:
High quality food, bowls, litter and litter box, brushes, nail clippers, shampoo, and a soft place to sleep are all advisable supplies for any cat owner.
What You'll Want:
As cats are very playful in nature,
supplying them with toys, cat trees and scratching posts will satisfy their playful nature.