Getting Your Cat to Take the Pill
Whether we want them to or not, cats will get sick or injured at various times in their life, and will likely need some type of medication. Even if it’s an over-the-counter remedy for a mild case of fleas, it’s important to consult your veterinarian before administering any type of medication to your feline.
Once you get the go-ahead from the vet, the work begins. Cats are notorious for refusing medication in all its forms, and it can sometimes be a fight to get the pill down her throat. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
If the pill can be powdered, crush it up and mix it with a bite of your cat’s favorite wet food, or a bit of tuna. Be sure to ask your vet if the pill can be crushed; some medication is time-release and shouldn’t be broken into bits.
Try placing the pill in your cat’s mouth and cradle your kitty in your arms like a baby. With one hand, keep your cat’s mouth closed (but be gentle!) without closing off her nasal passages. Gently blow toward her nostrils. If you do this for a couple minutes, she should finally swallow the pill.
For easier control of your cat while
administering medication, wrap him up in a small blanket or towel so only his head is free. Don’t wrap him too tight, but wrap him firmly enough that his legs won’t get free if he struggles.
If your medication is gel-based, simply swipe it onto your cat’s paws and he will lick it off.