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Caring for an Overweight Cat

Caring for an overweight cat means paying attention to both your cat’s diet and exercise level. Feeding her a high-quality, nutritionally-balanced food in the proper portion sizes, is a very important part of preventing her from becoming overweight. If she is already obese, changing food may be necessary to return her to a healthy weight. In addition to this, you must make sure she gets sufficient exercise to burn calories, build muscle, and generally stay healthy. As with humans, when caring for an overweight cat, take her to the vet for a complete check-up before beginning a new exercise regimen.

To help trim down an overweight cat, be sure you know how much she is eating each day. This may seem simple enough, but consider the fact that different family members may be feeding her different amounts each day. Does she get regular snacks each day? Is yours a busy household where no one is sure if anyone else fed the cat, and she may actually be eating more than one dinner each night? Chances are, she isn’t complaining! Read the recommended portion size on the food bag and be sure everyone who feeds the cat sticks to that. Limit or even eliminate snacks for your cat, at least until you have his weight under control.

You may wish to talk to your vet about whether you should switch your overweight cat to a special diet that is lower in calories and higher in fiber. As with any dietary change, you should switch foods gradually, allowing your cat’s digestive system to get used to the new food. Start by adding a small amount of the new food to her existing food, and gradually increase the new food while decreasing the old. This gradual introduction will benefit your cat’s system and also help make her less likely to refuse the new food.

Exercising with your cat can include simple play, or a formal plan like a walking program. While some cats take readily to walking on a leash, others are much more resistant. If your cat seems reluctant to follow you on a leash, try carrying him for a short distance, then setting him down and having him walk back toward your home with you. You may find that he is more inclined to return home than to leave it.

Playing with your cat with toys can help increase her activity level. The varieties of cat toys are nearly endless. The types of toys your cat will enjoy most depend a lot on her activity level and temperament. Cats that are not very active will want to be kept on their toes, but may not be up to high-speed antics. Good toys may be those attached to a string operated by human companions.

Some cats may need extra motivation with their toys. treat holders, which will only dispense a treat when properly worked, can make good toys for this type of cat. Given a choice between chasing something that’s moving really fast and finding a comfortable spot to lie down, this cat may be headed for a nap. If your cat falls into this category, entice him with treats but make sure they are “diet” treats and are dispensed judiciously. Gradually work with your cat to increase his activity level by starting slow and slowly building.

Proper diet, portion control, and exercise are all important in caring for an overweight cat. Helping your cat maintain his optimal weight keeps him not only looking better, but can help him live longer.
