- Why?
1. Who Needs These?
Cat pictures galleries are much in demand among lovers of cats. These picture galleries will show them various cat photos, which would help them to satisfy their feline leanings.
2. Types:
Most cat picture galleries will have photographs taken by professional photographers with good quality cameras. There will also be quite a few galleries of breeders and animal rescue shelters. Some cat lovers may also have their own galleries, which could have low quality photos taken with a home camera.
3. Uses:
Cat picture galleries are very essential to make children aware of the different kinds of cat breeds. Cat lovers like to browse among these cat picture galleries for hours. These galleries are also useful for people who are making the decision of which cat to adopt as a pet.
- How to Choose
1. Online:
The Internet is perhaps the only place where you might find a substantial cat picture gallery. The gallery may be put up by a cat informational site, or by a breeder, or an animal shelter, or simply some cat lover. If you want some good quality photos, then you must find a cat picture gallery that is put up by some cat information center. Even animal shelters will give you good information, but their information will be restricted to the breeds of cats that they have at the moment.
2. Professional Shots:
Websites such as those of the American Cat Fanciers' Association (ACFA), Cat Fanciers of America (CFA) and The International Cat Association (TICA) provide information about cats. These sites take the services of professional photographers to build up their galleries. The photographers must have previous experience in clicking pictures of cats. It is absolutely vital that the photographers must put the cat at ease before clicking the photograph.
3. Candid Shots:
Some cat lovers will build whole galleries with candid shots of their pet cat or cats. These candid shots will be taken when the cats least suspect that they are being photographed. Candid shots in cat picture galleries can turn out to be quite funny or quite insightful. Select a gallery that shows cats in different acts and plays.
4. Expense:
Browsing and viewing a cat picture gallery over the Internet is free.
5. Other items you might need:
If you want to download a whole cat picture gallery from a free public domain, you may need download manager software in order to make the job faster.