There is nothing as embarrassing as your visitors knowing you have a cat before they ever see it because of the cat urine odor in your home. It's a do or die syndrome, where you do have to clean it extremely well or die from the embarrassment when your visitors arrive. Not one of the cat lovers out there wants this to happen, yet it does happen time and time again. Cat urine is a big problem even in the litter box, but when your cat chooses to go outside the litter box then the cat urine odor becomes a major problem.
There are so many products available to help you eliminate the problem that you really don't have to tolerate this cat urine odor any longer. Some of the urine cleaner products offer a solution for removing the stain and others will remove both the stain and the pet odor. There are wonderful products out there that will help your home smell fresh and clean despite your cat's habits, in or out of the litter box.
You have to be careful when selecting such cat urine cleaners, as there are some that are meant to only disguise the cat urine odor. It will probably make your house smell fresher for a little while, but you will soon find you are back to square one after the smell returns. You need to choose a urine cleaner that will not only take away the odor, but also completely eliminate it, and there are many good ones on the market.
If your cat chooses your hardwood floor instead of your carpet, don't think yourself lucky that it will be easier to clean. If you don't catch it immediately, then the cat urine odor can sink deep into the wood. If this happens enough times, it can lead to you having to re-sand your whole floor to get the cat urine odor out. Cat urine is a tough smell to get rid of and it takes a tough cat urine remover to clean it up so that the smell will not return. The same applies to concrete flooring. Cat urine will eat into the concrete, therefore leaving its smell deep in the concrete. There are products on the market that will help you get rid of this smell, but in some cases, you will have to repaint or reseal the concrete to get rid of the odor completely.
The best way to ensure that your home stays odor free from your cat is to be prepared with some of the fantastic products that are available. Getting a cat urine odor out of your home has never been easier. These products are environmentally tested, as well as being user friendly. The most important thing is to get it cleaned up quickly after it happens. If you leave it, it makes the job so much harder and gives the cat urine odor time to really take hold of your carpet or other floors.