There are many different reasons why your cat might have urine problems. Whatever the reasons, the problem remains the same unless you can come up with a solution of why your cat keeps using the same place to urinate instead of the litter box. The solution may not come easy and may take quite a bit of time and effort on your part to figure out what is going to work. In the meantime, there are a wide variety of very good products on the market that can help you in your quest for controlling the clean up and the smell of the cat urine.
A serious cat urine problem occurs when your cat keeps returning to a favorite spot on your carpet or in your home to do his business. The problem is not just a matter of surface cleaning. It is a matter of trying to remove the stain and the smell as well. There are products on the market that will do both, but whether or not this will work is entirely up to your cat and whether they are attached to the place itself. There are many reasons why this may happen and your cat chooses the same spot regardless of what you do.
The first thing you should check is where the litter box is placed. It should be in a quiet place in the house such as a basement. This gives the cat the privacy it needs and also keeps the smell away from the main part of the house. If you have the litter box in a high traffic area this could be why your cat is choosing the carpet instead of the litter box and thus creating a serious cat urine problem. There are a few more places you could try to place your litter box such as a large closet, or under an out of the way table. Some people prefer to place their litter box on a bare floor. If you choose this route, you need to keep in mind that if your cat decides to go on a bare floor you may find it a bit easier to clean up but you still have to use the same procedure as with carpet cleaning to get rid of the smell. The best way to deal with a serious cat urine problem is to have one of the many professional cleaners and odor removers at hand at all times.
To try and solve this serious cat urine problem there are a number of things you can do. The first thing is to make sure you do is to keep the litter box clean. Cats are clean by nature and do not like a dirty litter box. Check the type of litter you are using for scent and clumping. Some litters are very strong scented and can make a cat not want to go in the box. Most cats like well clumping litter with no scent at all. Check the depth of your litter. Some cats like their litter deep, while others like it shallow. Another problem could be that your cat has outgrown its litter box and needs a bigger box.
There are many reasons why a cat would not use a litter box and the most important is a medical problem. It will be well worth the effort to have a vet check out the cat to make sure that this is not caused by serious cat urine problems.