A place that has cat urine or even the scent of it can become the permanent potty place if your cat decides to go on your carpet. The smell can last forever, and announce to anyone that comes through your door that you have a cat that is not always careful about where he/she chooses to go to the bathroom. Cat urine has a very distinctive pet odor that can linger for many years if it's not treated properly. It consists of three elements, which are bacterial, enzymatic, and chemical, and this is why it is so difficult to get the stain and odor out of anything a cat chooses to go on.
There are many reasons why you will find cat urine outside the litter box. If this is the case with your cat, you need to find out why your cat is doing this. Once your cat goes outside the box, unless you find the reason for it, the cat urine can be the permanent potty for your cat. Check your cat's litter box first to see if it's clean. Cats are clean animals and don't like using a dirty litter box. There are so many wonderful brands of kitty litter, and other pet odor on the market that you shouldn't have much trouble finding one to suit your cat's needs. You still have to be careful with what you choose as some litter is so heavily scented with odor removal products that your cat may refuse to use it.
Another thing to check is the size of the litter box you are using. If your cat is still in the kitten stage, then you're pretty safe with a small box, but keep in mind as your cat grows it may outgrow the litter box. In this case, it will not want to use the litter for urinating, and the pet urine could cause a permanent stain on your carpet or hardwood floors. Make sure your litter box is changed to a bigger size as your cat grows. You will find so many adorable kitty litter boxes on the market that range from scooping the clumps up yourself, to the litter box that will scoop for you and add a squirt of freshness when it does. Some are built for the pampered pussycats, and give them all the privacy that they will ever need.
There are other reasons why your cat urine can become a permanent potty place outside the litter box. Your cat could have health issues. A good vet can take care of this for you. Cats do get urinary tract infections, which can lead to habits that you never experienced before. Take your cat to the vet and have it checked out to make sure you are not dealing with a sick cat.
This is particularly important if you have had a cat for years and have not encountered a problem with it not using the litter box. If you have had the cat for a long time and suddenly you are faced with this problem, then you know there is something not right with your cat and you have to find out what it is. A vet can help you do this in short order and help you solve the problem of having to clean up cat urine.