Helping survivor pets with cat loss is just as important as helping every other family member cope. Think about it, you spend every waking second of the day with someone and then they are gone, no where to be found. No one knows really how much animals understand but they do show emotions and they most definitely have feelings.
Often times when you lose a cat, you will notice some sort of behavioral change in your other pets. At this time, it is very likely that your animal is mourning the loss of their companion. You might even find them searching for their friend around the house or outside. These actions are not at all uncommon that is why helping survivor pets with cat loss is important.
If you notice changes in manners such as eating less, depression, acting withdrawn, sleeplessness, loss of interest in activities, clinginess or crying like behavior then it is a sure sign that your pet is experiencing some grief. Grief is defined as a form of anxiety felt at the abrupt severing of a relationship or the sudden absence of a familiar person or animal companion. There is no way to explain death to pets so helping survivor pets with cat loss can be achieved in other ways.
If your cat passed away at home, then it may be a good idea to let your other pets see the cat before you take it away. This may help them come to terms with their absence. We don’t fully know how much animals understand about loss and death but anything that might help them better understand is worth trying.
Helping survivor pets with cat loss will require you giving them some individual love and reassurance. Introduce some new
toys, treats or even cuddling. If your cat will not eat and is showing extreme signs of depression and/or anxiety, then you should take them to the vet. The vet can prescribe proper
medications such as anti-depressants and anti-anxieties.
Lastly, there may come a time when you may want to introduce a new pet into the family. This is a tough decision because you never know how the other animals are going to react to this. If you know that your cat may be dying before hand, then you might want to introduce a new animal before they pass away. But for some, this option is not always available. Helping your survivor pets with cat loss is difficult, especially since you are dealing with grief too, but all you can do is you’re best and nothing more.