It is imperative that you follow cat car travel safety when transporting your cat even over short distances. Cats are very inquisitive by nature and can get themselves into a dangerous situation in the car with distracting the driver by jumping around the car and even getting under the driver’s feet and interfering with the gas and brake pedals. Another reason to restraining your cat during a car trip is that if you were to stop suddenly or were in an accident, the cat would become a flying missile and at the very least be inured from being thrown around the car but also could hit and injure you as well.
A few cats may even enjoy being attached to a secure harness in the car, but a cat carrier probably would be your best bet when traveling. You will need to decide if a hard plastic or soft, sided carrier fits your needs best for cat car travel safety. Your cat should be able to lie down, turn around and stand comfortably when in the carrier. Carriers should have an adequate number of holes for ventilation and be able to be secured. A blanket in the carrier will help to absorb any accidents in the carrier and can be comforting to your cat. It is imperative that you make sure that the cat carrier is secure in the car so that it does not tip over or bounce around the car. This will stress the cat needlessly and make them less sure about being in the cat carrier.
After choosing a cat carrier that meets your needs, your cats should be trained to accept being placed into and carried in a cat carrier. The cat carrier should be routinely presented to your cat such as leaving it out and letting the cat eat inside the carrier with the door open. After your cat is comfortable in the carrier with the door open, you can begin to close the door for short periods of time. Some cats find it reassuring to have the carrier covered when being transported. Be sure that your cat does not become overheated even in cold weather if you do cover the cat carrier. Never leave a cat in a car during warm or hot weather even for a short period of time for cat car travel safety. It does not take long for a car to heat up and cause heat stroke in your cat.
If an accident should occur or if you cat should escape when you are at your destination, you need to make sure that your cat has collar with identification and/or have your cat micro-chipped when traveling. If wearing an identification tag, include both your home address and phone and a temporary address and phone where you are traveling too. Also you may need to bring documentation of rabies vaccination if traveling across state lines.
Make sure that you bring along any necessary food and equipment (bedding, litter boxes, toys, etc.). Many cats can suffer from stomach upset by a change in water, so it would be advisable to bring some from home and gradually mix the water for a few days for adjustment. Also do not feed your cat for about 3 hours prior to traveling as this will also help prevent an upset stomach if you cat suffers from motion sickness. Remember to take breaks during long trips and let your cat stretch its legs.
Cat car travel safety involves some preparation but in the long term, you and your cat will have a more enjoyable trip.