Using cat sitters is an alternate way for you to insure that your cat is being taken care of when you are away from home. Boarding your cat in a cattery is a perfectly good way to have your cat taken care of when you can not, but many cats feel more secure with being at home and you minimize the exposure to illnesses from other cats. Familiar environment, diet, routine, along with the personal attention provided by cat sitters can be the perfect answer.
What do cat sitters do when hired? Each day when you are away, the cat sitter will visit your home to feed, care for and play with your pet. In addition, many cat sitters offer extra services, such as crime-deterrent measures (turning on and off lights), watering plants, bringing in the mail, grooming, etc.
You can locate cat sitters from the local phone pages. Be sure to check with friends or your veterinarian to recommend cat sitters or which ones to avoid! There are associations that cat sitters can join so you may want to inquire if they belong to any of these associations. Whenever you find your cat sitter, please be sure to schedule an interview and inquire about the following and any other questions you may have:
Has experience in caring for pets and is clearly mindful of their safety and well-being. Is the cat sitters bonded and insured? Do the cat sitters provide written literature describing services and fees? Do they have a contract? Do they have references you can contact? Has a veterinarian on-call for emergency service or agrees to utilize your veterinarian? Do the cat sitters have a backup sitter in case they would become ill or have some emergency while you are away? Will the sitter confirm that you have returned?You will need to provide the cat sitters with a list with the important routines in your cat's day – what time to feed the cat; major and minor health conditions including a medication schedule if any are needed; your cat's favorite hiding places so they will know where to look for your pet; and any unusual habits or fears your cat may have.
As with boarding your cat, please make reservations with your cat sitters early especially during holiday and summer vacations. Make sure that you have plenty of cat food, treats, and kitty litter on hand for the sitter while you are away. Have your cat supplies in one central location so your sitter will not have to search for them. You should make sure that your cat is wearing a collar with identification or is micro-chipped just in case your cat gets out of the house. Be sure that the cat sitters not only have contact information for you but also of a neighbor or family member in case of en emergency.
Be prepared to give you cat sitters a key to the house. If you are having the cat sitters water your plants, open/close windows, bring in the mail and/or newspapers or turn on/off lights, please make a list of what needs to be done when and where to put the mail/newspapers. If you are coming home earlier or later than originally planned, let your cat sitter know as soon as you do.
Even though you have hired a cat sitter to take care of your cat, leave a key with a neighbor or family member as a backup. Hiring cat sitters will provide your cat with in home care and one on one attention while you are away for business or pleasure.