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Daily Dog Exercise

Daily dog exercise is critical to your pet, and will probably be beneficial to you, too! The amount of daily dog exercise your pooch needs will depend on factors such as her breed, her age, and her current level of fitness. As with humans, if your dog is very overweight or out of shape, have her checked by her veterinarian before beginning an exercise program.

The keys to a successful daily exercise program, whether you have four legs or two, is to start gradually and keep it fun. You should both look forward to your daily dog exercise sessions as a way to bond and have fun, as well as to stay in shape. When you first start out, keep your workout sessions short; a 10-15 minute walk followed by some fetching is a good way to start. You can gradually extend your walks and play sessions, and incorporate whatever activities are fun for your dog and you.

When you are ready to move beyond walking with your dog, consider jogging or running. Some breeds are more naturally suited to running, of course; this isn’t something you should try with a dachshund, for example! Another great option for daily dog exercise is swimming. Again, some breeds will not only be more suited to the water but also more willing to give it a try. If your dog is very resistant to getting into the water, don’t try to force him. Remember that the exercise program needs to be fun for both of you in order to be successful. Other forms of exercise, such as inline skating or cycling are not safe with dogs, since the leash could get caught up in your equipment and cause injury to both of you.

Daily dog exercise for an average adult dog should involve about 20-45 minutes per day of activity. This can be split up into two sessions, especially when you are just starting a new dog exercise program. Sporting dogs, such as retrievers and points, and herding dogs, like border collies, may need a good deal more exercise than this to release their natural energy.

Always monitor your dog during exercise sessions to be sure she isn’t overexerting herself. Be especially cautious with your daily dog exercise during the hot summer months. Always be sure your dog has plenty of fresh water available, and watch her for signs of heat stroke or exhaustion.

Daily dog exercise not only helps keep your canine fit, it can also improve his overall behavior. Dogs that are provided with a healthy outlet for their natural energy tend to be less destructive and calmer. Daily dog exercise also benefits you, by providing you with additional opportunities for fitness and more time to bond with your pet.
