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Three Easiest Dog Breeds to Groom

Some of the easiest dog breeds to groom are those that have shorter coats. Those with long, thick coats will require daily brushing to prevent extreme matting. Three of the easiest dog breeds to groom are Boxers, Bloodhounds, and Bulldogs. All of these breeds have very short coats that have minimal shedding. Owners can brush them occasionally to bring out their natural shine and help keep them clean.

Dog breeds that are lighter in color can be difficult to keep clean due to staining around the eyes, mouth, and paws. There are numerous products available today that can help with these difficult areas. Depending on where your dog is housed (indoors or outdoors), will make a difference in the amount of time spent grooming. Even owners of long-haired breeds can make their jobs easier by keeping their dogs away from dirty and wet locations. Just like kids, dogs will not always be content to sit properly for hours at a time in order to stay pretty; most are active and want to be free to romp and play.

Shedding is typically a large complaint of most dog owners. An important factor in making grooming easy and lessening the amount of shedding is to provide your pet with a healthy and nutritious diet. Dogs that are missing key nutrients from their meals often have dry, flaky coats, and long-haired breeds will tend to tangle much easier. Many breeds often require an additional supplement to help keep their coats properly conditioned. If you find that your dog’s coat is dull and dry, you may talk to your vet about other food options or supplements. Dogs that spend most of their day outdoors during cold months will build up thick coats and may need some additional brushing in the spring to help them lose this extra hair.

For dog owners who have very little time to maintain their dog’s coat, selecting one of the three easiest dog breeds to groom will make life much easier. While there are no breeds that are completely maintenance-free, there are breeds that are easier to maintain then others.

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