Read About Essential Dog Supplies


When you make the decision to adopt or buy a dog, there are of course essential dog supplies that you will want to have on hand before your new friend enters the front door and becomes a member of the family. Hopefully you’ve also taken into consideration the cost of these essential dog supplies, as well as regular veterinary visits, and how these costs will impact your household budget, before making the final decision about dog ownership.

All that said, when you visit the dog section of your favorite pet store or begin to peruse pet catalogs, you’ll soon discover that you could easily spend a small fortune on your special friend if you get caught up in the moment. The following outlines a basic list of essential dog supplies that are required to get both you and your new pet off to a good start:


Dog bowls.

Essential dog supplies will include at least one bowl for water and one for food. Stainless steel bowls clean easily and are fairly scratch resistant. Scratches in plastic ware will become home to unwanted germs, nor is it the best choice if your dog possesses a proclivity for chewing his food and water bowls.


Confer with your veterinarian as to the recommended food variety for your specific pet. Puppies, more mature dogs and dogs with specific health related issues may require special foods.

A bed, pet crate, or both.

Most dogs delight in having their own special bed – something to call their own. If your dog is more mature, you may want to consider getting him a comfortable dog bed - since floors can be hard on arthritic joints.

A leash.

Keep your dog safe and your neighbors happy, by making use of a leash when your dog is off the home front premises.


Your dog's maturity level and chewing ability will be primary factors to consider when purchasing those toys which are safest and most appropriate for him.

Collar and ID tag.

A dog collar with identification is one of the most important items you will purchase for your special pet.

When it comes to shopping for and the purchase of essential dog supplies, it’s a good idea to pick up these items well before your dog’s scheduled day of arrival, it will ensure that your first day can be pleasurable and rewarding for both you and your new pet.