Read About Fish Training Rewards

For aquarium owners the belief that fish can be trained is no surprise, but what should we offer as fish training rewards? We have all marveled at the performance of aquatic mammals in shows and they respond best to what they would be eating in the wild, so surely we can find the right fish training reward for our aquarium pets.

The obvious answer is that you should tailor your fish’s rewards to the type of fish he is and what types of treats he likes. Just as humans, fish may have developed certain food treats which they prefer over others. It is up to the human to figure out what those might be.

Whatever you decide to use as a fish training reward, make sure that when you offer these rewards you offer them quickly to encourage the desired behavior from your fish. There are conflicting reports as to the intelligence of fish and their ability to relate to their human counterparts. Research with all types of animals has shown that the most successful training is achieved through immediate reward systems. Many fish trainers note that goldfish and cichlids respond well to small feed pellets.

The amount of training relates directly with the difficulty of the training you wish to implement and the results you desire. If you want your fish to be able to do more intricate tricks you will need to have many training sessions and a reasonable amount of treats to cheer your fish on. Fish trainers have found that fish respond better to shorter, more frequent training sessions. That said, be ready to work with your fish regularly and have his rewards ready to go when you expect him to work.

Ultimately, the best fish training reward is not for your fish. The best reward is the one you will get when you see the relationship you are building with your fish grow. You will be teaching your fish to trust you and respond to you and your fish will be teaching you about yourself. Fish training rewards come in many different forms.