Read About Tropical Fish Care For Beginners

Successfully starting a tropical fish tank is a challenge but you'll be rewarded with an array of fascinating and colorful creatures. Here's what you need to know about Tropical Fish Care for Beginners.


With marine aquariums, the bigger the better so invest in the largest tank you can afford and have room for. Tropical fish require more light so look for a tank with a Imagestrong lighting system. Beginners should opt for a crushed coral or dolomite substrate. The quantity of substrate required will depend on your filtration system. Look to pet shop experts for guidance. Don't skimp on the filtration system, as it is the most important fixture in the marine aquarium. After you actually add the water is where it gets tricky. You'll have to achieve the perfect balance between salinity, pH, nitrates, calcium and alkalinity levels to have a healthy aquarium. Ask at your pet shop for the proper tools to measure these components. Do not attempt to add any creatures to your tank until everything is completely stabilized. Your patience will pay off.

The Fishy Part

Beginners should choose easy-to-care-for marine animals such as hawkfish,Imagedamsels, captive-bred clownfish, gobies and cardinal fish. These fish varieties are not as sensitive to the fluctuations in water conditions you're sure to have as a beginner. Even so, expect to encounter some setbacks and frustrations with your marine aquarium. With time and experience you can move to the showier, more sensitive varieties such as angels, butterflyfish, lionfish and seahorses.