Read About Horse Trailer Training

As with everything involving horse ownership, patience is once again a necessary trait in teaching your horse to load into the trailer. It is important that you have already taught your horse a que to move forward. This que will make the process of loading much easier. Having a familiar, already mastered forward moving que will allow you and your horse to communicate without increasing the stress of the situation.

First, lead your horse to the trailer using your que. Let the horse stand there for a bit. This allows him to check things out and see that there is no danger. Your horse may sniff, or just stand and look at the trailer. Wait until the horse appears to relax. Your next step is to place one foot on the trailer. Chances are the horse will take his foot back down. Each time you place his foot on the trailer, rub his neck and verbally reward him. Make sure your voice is calm and steady. Eventually, he will leave his foot on the trailer. At this point, use the same process to get the other foot on the trailer. This may take quite a bit of time and possibly another person to assist, but be patient. Reward the horse with each positive movement.

Once the horse has both feet in the trailer, allow the horse to stand there a moment and get use to the trailer. Many horses will go ahead and enter the trailer at this point. You may offer him some hay and try to coax him forward. Continue to use your que to get him to move forward. Do not yell at or pull on the horse; this will create stress and a bad experience. Doing either of these will cause your horse to respond negatively and may cause more extreme problems in the future.

Give positive reinforcement throughout loading. Allow the horse to back out and start again if he gets spooked. Do not hurry the process or rush the horse. Be calm, patient and in control. It is important for the horse to feel comfortable and secure. A trailer is an odd place for a horse; a place where horses are usually unsteady and a bit out of place. Remember this while loading and calm your horse’s fears with your voice and touch. Once you get the horse to load, give him some hay and let him relax a bit before you close up and head out. Do not rush. The more stress-free and comfortable this procedure is made on the horse, the easier it will be each following time. Be reassuring and consistent, patient and in control and you will master this in no time.