Read About Miniature Horse

Miniature Horse is a downsized horse that is small in size and big on popularity because of its sweet and ready temperament. Here's everything you need to know about these horses.

Miniature Horse - Horse Type Facts

  1. Type Description:

    Miniature horse is a downsized version of a normal horse. These breeds fall under two classes -- A: horses that are 34 inches or less and B: horses that are between 38 and 34 inches. It is the result of years of careful selective breeding.
  2. Varieties:

    American Miniature Horse is by far the most popular breed and many people believe all Miniature Horse is by itself a breed. However there are different breeds classified usually on the region they were bred. There is the Miniature Toy Horse, Australian Miniature Pony, Falabella and the Dartmoor Pony.
  3. Uses:

    Since their size renders them practically useless for the regular horse jobs, these unique animals are usually bred as household pets and they have their own shows like conformation, jumping, cart pulling, obstacles, etc. Also many are used as guide horses for the blind and the invalid.
  4. Training:

    These horses are very easy to train because of their sweet and willing nature.
  5. Regular Care:

    Though reduced in size they are as demanding as the big horses when it comes to care. Daily grooming, feeding, exercise, cleaning, training all form a part of the daily regimen. This breed sheds twice a year and extra grooming during that time will keep their coats in perfect condition. Regular baths will keep any horse odor under check.

Miniature Horse - Horse Type Characteristics

  1. Shared Traits:

    All miniature horses are by nature willing and extremely outgoing. They are just like small household pets and easily fit the household and love to be part of activities. They like to be with humans and are very playful.
  2. Behavior:

    These pets are extremely active and always of gentle disposition.
  3. Child Friendly:

    These horses make excellent pets to children and children could learn to ride and groom them from an early age.
  4. Physical Attributes:

    These horses must conform to their height classifications. They weigh between 60-100 lbs. They must show all the characteristics of their required of their breeds. The impression must be of strength, nimbleness, grace and perfection. Their average life span is 30 years.
  5. Health Issues:

    These horses are hardy and usually in good health. However one must be aware of a disorder called Colic, a condition wherein the digestive system becomes irritated and painful and improper care or neglect might well lead to the horse's death. Also these horses are prone to obesity.

Miniature Horse - How to Choose a Horse Type

  1. What to Look For:

    The temperament of a miniature horse is very important. It should be gentle and a foal is very playful. Likewise some miniature horses may suffer from genetic dwarfism disorders and may have short legs and larger heads. But this in no way affects the temperament and health of the animal.
  2. Supplies:

    All regular horse supplies are needed here. They require stables and bedding too. Foals may be supplied with balls and other toys.
  3. Expense:

    Prices vary from region to region. Usually the mare is expensive than the stallion.