Safety for you and your horse is very important and should be considered at all tmes. You must never assume your horse would never do something. Make sure your attention is on your horse and the surroundings at all times.
The schedule of you and your horse is important and it should be routine all year round. Always analyze your feed products for your horse, make sure the feed is not too rich for its system and that nutrients levels isn't causing it to be lazy. Good muscle tone and flexibility for you and your horse is also important in lessening the severity of injuries.
Make sure that when you tie the horse, the place you tie it up is sturdy and can with stand the pull and jerking of the horse. When tying up your horse you also need to make sure to tie the lead up no lower than the horse's head and no more than an arm length. Also, never duck under the lead, your horse will pull back and you will get injured, always walk around your horse.
When the horse is in a trailer or divider, always untie the horse prior to opening them. Be ready to catch the horse when you open them up.
Always wear an open helmet when you ride. The helmet also must fit right and be adjusted properly. When riding make sure you are wearing proper clothing, loose clothing can catch on a saddle horn. Wearing riding boots will be smoother so you are able to remove your foot from the stirrup more easily.
It is best to invest in well-made equipment not only for the safety, but also comfort and the fact it usually lasts longer than the less expensive brand. You must know how to use and fit your equipment or the consequence of injury to you or your horse. Checking your equipment is very important; if it is not applied properly or is not working properly it will lead to accidents or injuries to you and your horse.
Making sure to let others know hwere you are, where you are going and going to be home is important. If something should happen that person would know where to look for you. A first aid kit, cell phone and riding buddy are always great to have just in case an emergency should arise.
Remember you and your horse's safety is important every time you are together.